On our last night in Sao Luis, Matt was mugged so he lost his wallet. Annoying when it happens. Arrived to Belem at noon yesterday.
Me, Joe and Lou decided to go for a walk, some food and a drink. We walked for a while and just when we hit the end of the main street, the tiniest woman runs up and attack Joe. Grabbing her bag so she started to scream. Me and Lou started to hit her with our umbrellas. I punched her in the head so she lost the little knife she had.
Luckily she let go and we all run at different directions.
We are all fine and Joe still got her bag. You just get so surprised when it happens. This women was not taller then 140cm and skinny like hell and it was three of us where I am the smallest..
Last time when it happened to me in rio I thought the biggest reason was because I was alone but even now when it was the three it happened. You just get so surprised.
Yeah, the north/east part of Brazil is supposed to have the biggest crime.
So far I've just seen brazil and I would never recommend anyone to travel by them selves. I love to travel by myself but nit here it's to fucking dangerous. When the tour ends I think me and Lou are going to Peru and Bolivia together and then I have to get on a tour to see Argentina and chile. I'm not shore if I have the coverage to go by myself. I always though I was tough but maybe I was wrong.
Let see in a couple of month how it works out.
- there's nothing wrong with change if it goes in the right direction. Winston Churchill.
Postat av: Lollo
Shit vad du är med om,helt fantastiskt.så kul och läsa om hur du har det.saknar dig men förstår om du inte vill komma hem på ett tag:)sköt om dig puss