
Time is passing by quite quick and I can't decide what I want to do. Thinkin of leaving beautiful Vancouver for Whistler this winter. Cold winter, lots of snow, skiing. Yeah it all. Loads of partying, crazy people.. I just dont know. I do like my jobs here, Urban is sweet and I had my first night in the bar the other day.

It went out awesome. They do have there special Candian and american drinks but learned them all so it went out fine. Conventions center was built for the OS is Vancouver. A massive building facing the water and North Vancouver. The glad is eartquake safe and its a green building. The night I was there we hosted 4700 People. Fireworks whit music, Gymnasts, Fireshow, Singers, Food and drinks that the american techinich company all paid for. Can't even imagine how much money they spend for this. It's all over my ears.

I was lucky getting the bar outside, nice temperature and all of them smoke so I was busy. I even got to see the Fireworks with music. Never seen something like that. Beautiful for sure.
Looking forward to next night to work there !

Went with Nick and Yasan the other day for the Aquarium and dinner. Aquarium wasnt the biggest place on earth but sweet. Feels unreal when I have seen 80% of what they have in reality. I saw it all in South America. It was still cool though. Been there done that.

The rain has hit Vancouver now, still having some great days. Hoping for a sweet day tomorrow so me and Nick can walk up grouse mountain and see the view of the hole Vancouver. I really do hope.

Just send my applications for the cruise ship job, hoping to get one. I really do.
So, now I have to find out, Where is home ?

 Convention Center.

                                                                                                                 - Zoul Sister.


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