
On our last night in Sao Luis, Matt was mugged so he lost his wallet. Annoying when it happens. Arrived to Belem at noon yesterday.  Me, Joe and Lou decided to go for a walk, some food and a drink. We walked for a while and just when we hit the end of the main street, the tiniest woman runs up and attack Joe. Grabbing her bag so she started to scream. Me and Lou started to hit her with our umbrellas. I punched her in the head so she lost the little knife she had.  Luckily she let go and we all run at different directions.  We are all fine and Joe still got her bag. You just get so surprised when it happens. This women was not taller then 140cm and skinny like hell and it was three of us where I am the smallest.. Last time when it happened to me in rio I thought the biggest reason was because I was alone but even now when it was the three it happened. You just get so surprised.  Yeah, the north/east part of Brazil is supposed to have the biggest crime.  So far I've just seen brazil and I would never recommend anyone to travel by them selves. I love to travel by myself but nit here it's to fucking dangerous. When the tour ends I think me and Lou are going to Peru and Bolivia together and then I have to get on a tour to see Argentina and chile. I'm not shore if I have the coverage to go by myself. I always though I was tough but maybe I was wrong. Let see in a couple of month how it works out. - there's nothing wrong with change if it goes in the right direction. Winston Churchill. 


Oi is portuguese slang for hello. Love it.  My home at the moment is a big truck with a weight of 17.5 tons. It has sets for around 20 persons and has a kitchen so we can do all our cooking by ourselves. Right now we are 8 with Adam who's the owner of the truck. As usual I'm the youngest one, then there is; Sunny, which is 29 and from Norway and Adams girlfriend. Cool girl. Louise is about 32 and from the UK. Crazy beer drinker with a big smile. Pikney from Singapore is 35 and probably the one thats get the most out of the trip. She's just crazy about the sightseeing.  Adams is also from the UK and he's the owner of the truck. Running the trip for the first year so he's exploring as much as we do. -  Then there is Joanne, 36, from London. She is, compare to the rest of us, on a short vacation for only one month.  Jane is from the beautiful NZ but been living in London the last years. In her 40th. The oldest of us is Matt, from Colorado. Turning 51 in the beginning of April. ( load up the booze. ) He is the oldest on the paper, but the most craziest in the group. Always with some funny stories and a mug with booze in his hand.  In a couple of days Paul from Perth and Miguel from NY is going to join us. I've met them in itacare, they are the reason how I found out about the trip. They been on the trip since September with a start in Quito, Ecuador. They took a break for a month and gonna joint us soon. Glad I've met those two epic guys.  - Forget yesterday, dream about tomorrow but live today. unknown.


As always we arrived late. So, we all went for in drink in the small town called Praia de pipa. Turned out to be such a sweet place, just those small places you enjoy.  Went to a bar called beach bar, on the beach of course. Started with a caipriniha which is always good but in that bar I picked my favorite. A drink called coco loco, made with ice, coconut and loads of vodka. Tasty. Matt and I just had to try all there tasty drinks with fresh mangoes, passion fruit, pineapples and so on.. The good thing for me was that's the bartender filled my drinks with extra booze all the time. ( they are well filled before.. ) everyone except me, Matt and sunny went back to get some sleep.  We left for another bar up the street that had Brazilian live music. The guys playing was just amazing, what a feeling. That was the bar where Matt ordered more caiprinihas and some shots to that..  Lost the others and it took me years to find my way back to the camping but I made it ! Proud ! The day after wasn't to funny to handle. I was in a bad shape after all, not just me, think Sunny was even worse. Made it to the beach and around the area, shopping. Met Matt later on so we ended up in the beach bar again for a couple of coco loco's.  Pipa, as we read about it was going to be a small and cozy hippie town. It was small and cozy but not hippie. I did like it a lot anyway.  Left early morning Ubujara national park. Long way to get there so there was time for another bush camp. Turned of the highway and got in a small village. The bad thing was that we got stuck driving in the sand and it was getting dark quickly. So we had no choice, had to camp where we were. Which was a nice place anyway.  There were just 1500 living there so we were the excitement of the day. Imagine 20 Brazilians trying to help you dig up the truck speaking portuguese that none of us didn't understand. Good fun.   Anyway, they all left and there was another guy coming up. Alexander who was one of the two English spoken living there. So, the day after it was easier, even thou it took us about 1,5 hour to get the truck out of there.  Left for Ubujara national park that's famous for there caves and nicely waterfalls. We found some good news and some bad ones. The bad ones that the cable car to the caves was broken and had been like that for a couple of weeks. Typical brazil. So, some of us wanted to walk, which we couldn't because of the rain. Damn it ! We did a short trail and had a stunning view of the area and waterfalls. From there we went to another national park called the seven city's, that had some crazy rock formations. Cool to see, did 2 of them the first day then the rain started like crazy so we had to go back. The water was up to our knees, we all had to hold hand because of the stream. Fun thou.. But the best part was to drive to motorbikes, I was the only one of the girls that been driving before so I just had to drive which I don't complain about !!  Saw the rest of the park the day after. Definitely cool to see. We took off to see the sand dunes that's further up north. Went on a 4W drive over then. Really wanted to do a buggy tour but it wasn't available from the town we were staying. Means i Got to do it in Peru.. And yeah now we're in Sao Luis. Started my day to get the yellow fever vaccination, wasn't the easiest I've done but I made it. Vaccination center was really crappy and looked like a closed down buss station and they kept the vaccinations in coolers. The same ones you will bring with you to the beach on a hot summer day. Funny.  Tried to pay them but it didn't go to well so I actually took of. Free yellow fever vaccination, oh yeah ! Left for a hospital trying to get malaria medicine, so fucking hard in this country. Yes, I don't make it easier not to speak the language so I have to blame myself a bit to. I had four doctors around me that all thought I HAD malaria so they where checking for fever and so on. Took me half an hour to explain that I was fine and just wanted my tablets. Didn't work at all so I left.  Sao Luis isn't very big so to see the most interesting places doesn't take more than one day maybe two but that's all.  It's famous for the historical part, not my biggest interest but cool to walk around and look at crappy houses. It also says it's famous for being a reggae place. Our last night we went out for dinner. Friday night and the city was completely empty. But out of the blue we found a big square with shit loads of people, Live music, food and drinks. Got some cheap egg burgers and tapioca filled with banana, coconut and cinnamon. Tums up.  The drinks were cheap as usual, 3 reals for caiprinhia's, about 12 SKR. Started to dance samba, as awesome as we are. NOT. At least we had fun and the people around did to. There's a few people over here that impress me and this guy did, Houmos, he was born in Sao Luis, only in his 19th, very well English spoken, good in French, was on his way studying Spanish and in the university. You don't met a lot of does people over here.  For once I was able to have a good chat with a local. The night was just fantastic and it's always even better when you are the only foreigners or gringo's as they say.. - Sunshine, Sunshine reggae. 

So Hi So Lo.

Our first stop on the truck was Praia de forte where we sound the afternoon whatching turtles, sharks and some other special marine life. Learned that the black back turtles could be around 2 meters long and have a weight up to 900kg. P de F, was a small but touristic place. Not really a city more like a bigger resort. I had my first camping night with loads of rain that night but it went out fine. Find the biggest frog under my tent in the morning.. We started our trip up to olinda which is a long journey up the coast of brazil. So, we had some bush camping by the beach half the way. Beautiful place to stay just by the beach, my tent isn't the best so it collapsed around 5am. So I went for a run and a swim on the enormous empty beach. Not bad, oh no.  Arrived in olinda late the day after because we couldn't find our camping so we all checked in to a hostel. Which was nice with hammocks and a pool area.  Olinda is a really small place on the hills just outside the big city recife so you'd get a stunning view over the city from there. Is a place famous for it's different types of arts that they have in all sorts of ways. So walking was a good option to check it out. Up the hills and down the hills.. In the evening we went for some food of the street. I tried tapioca ( some kind of rice with different choice of fillings that they put into a frying pan. I had coconut and cheese. Yum. ) and Acaraje ( fried potato with tomatoes, onions, prawns and some other fillings. Tasty. ) both of them are special for Bahia the north east state we are in. Of course we find our way to the nice man with the alcoholic drinks. We made a choice of a fruit and the mashed in a can with some ice and pored a huge amount of vodka inside, shake it and done. I picked a cherrylicious drink, yum. The drink only cost me 14SEK. ( around 2 USD/AUD ) I'm not gonna complain about that. Alcohol is actually the only cheap thing here in brazil otherwise it's fucking expensive. Even worse than Australia, no doubts.  So yeah, for being a backpacker we all can effort to drink a lot.  At the moment we are on the road again heading for another small hippie town called Praia de pipa. Hoping to get an hour or two on the beach with a young coconut and a beer in the other hand. Also, hoping to find the earrings I been looking for. Really want one of those dreamcatchers. Brazil have a lot of good shopping, sadly it's expensive. You find amazing earrings, bracelets and neckless of the streets which is nothing you will find anywhere else..  In the end, its not the years in your life that count. Its the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln  

Anywhere is..

I did get myself a new camera, some of the Picts is already up on my Facebook and there's more to come..  Rogerio was amazing, so sweet and really took care of me. He gave me a completely new side of Brazilians. The best way ! Anyway, I went to buzios which is 3 hours north of Rio with a lot of nice beaches around. The weather was still a bit raining but I had some beach time and was even able to do a boat trip the other day. Was actually just gomna stay for a night or two but ended up with four. Met some really nice people over there so I was just chilling by the beach or the pool, hanging around, drinking caiprinhias and yeah just relaxing. Needed it after a hard week with carnival.  Found out that I'd had to go back to rio to keep my journey up north so I did, hanged out a bit with R, went up the sugar loaf and so on and then I took a flight up to Salvador ( cheaper than the bus ), slept at the airport for a couple of hours, went in to town and took the bus to ilheaus which is a seven hours bus ride. From there, there was another one and a half hour to itacare. Exhausted when I finally got there, bummed in to bed and feel asleep.  The hostel in itacare called the bananas is just wonderful. Billy and Pete that's running it are so kind and my first day we all went to a beach that's kind of hard to reach and for a beautiful waterfall. I was lucky because I'd got to borrow Pauls surfing board. Finally I could do some surfing and the waves wasn't that bad.  The small city itself is nice and relaxed hippie town which I like. Went to see some capoeira one of the night and that was just so cool . Man, they are freaking fast.. And the music that they are playing.. Oh everything about it was just so special. That was a highlight ! Maybe I'd try it if I got the time, seams kind of hard ;)  Ehm, yesterday we went to the beach chilling and then of course celebrating St. Patricks day at one of the clubs. Painted each other with body paint, I had paint all over my face. The worst one in the club of corse. Still got some on my arms.. Haha. But it was an hilarious night.  Had to leave this morning for Salvador. Got here today and tomorrow I'll be leaving on a tour up north in brazil, going for the amazons, French guiana, Surinam, Venezuela, Colombia and ending up in ecuador at beginning of June. Thinking of going all the way actually and then go south to se Peru, chile and Argentina. Will make up my mind on the road I think. But it seams like a good idea now.  - What we think we become - buddah

The coolest, most exausted and unsafe place..

It took me around 40 hours to get here. Long time and I was exhausted when I got here. The carnival was started and my hostel was full booked. Made a lot a lot a lot of new friends already on my first night here. We went out to see the street parades, dancing samba and drink caiprinias., :) My days in rio did bring a lot if party and loads of fun. The Brazilians are the craziest people of partying. They really are, never ever seen something like it before. It's people all over the streets dressed up in different costumes dancing. And the samba parade was amazing, even thou I had a bad section and cuoldnt really see it all but shit. Rio is a nice city between the mountains and it's a really green and lovely views. Was up at the crist monument a couple of days ago. Stunning. I enjoyed my time a lot, a lot of good people at the hostel but more and more if us are leaving so now I'm on my own again going 3 hours up north for one nigth and then all the way up the coast. Another 20 hours I think. It's really expensive around here because of the carnival so I need to leave.. :) .. Yesterday was in the city by myself, the rest wanted to sleep. Didn't have a lot of it these days. Not more than 4hours each day. Crazyness. Looking forward to a hammock and my book now. Haha ! But yeah back to the story, it started to get really hot so I was on my way back walking on a street, busy one at 2pm, and there are a girl and a guy coming up to me. They cut my bag wi a big knife and pointed it in my face. A run efter them screaming and tried to take it back, but after 4 times I realized that my life is more important than my camera. To bad I lost all my Picts from the carnival. Did steel some of the others but yeah, it's not really the same. I would still really recommend to go to rio For the carnival but exept that they doesn't have a lot to offer I think.. Looking forward to the beaches up north and hopefully I will find someone who it going my way around aswell.. Feel a bit unsafe here actully, asia is a lot safer. Okey, time to leave. This really nice Brazilian guy is taking me to a cheap market where I can buy myself a new camera. - be safe !

I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I be back again..

Eleven hours on a airplane went out pretty good. Started as usual a bit crazy. I've heard that you had to have a ticket out of brazil to get there but I've been reading a lot on the Internet saying that you don't need it. So, now I know. But I took the chance and it didn't work.. They didn't let me on the flight without a ticket, so I had to buy one pretty quick. Ended up with a 450 USD ticket. Fuck ! The good thing is that I can cancel the ticket and get the money back. And as you understand, that's what I'm gonna do. :) Anyway, I paid my ticket and said goodbye to Helene and Rosco. Hard to leave them.. Been in Perth for 6 weeks, a lot longer that I was suppose to stay. Enjoyed my time ! And if it would have been possible I should have stayed but unfortunately I already had my Australian working visa. Also, South America is this far my biggest dream.  Now I'm here sitting at the airport in Jo-burg looking at hundreds of pictures of south africa which makes me wanna travel here and explore the big continent of Africa. Hoping that my lovely sister and Rosco is gonna come with me that day. Probably still a long time until we get there but it will happened.  For the first time of my trip I'm starting to get nervous and I don't know why. Maybe it's because south America is a bit different from all the other countries I've been to so far. But I'm exited to.. All for now and then, gonna keep on listening to Edward sharpe & the magnetic zeros - home.  - This is big, this is my life and I love living it !  

Leave it or not, Hands on a miracle..

Goodbyes ! There's always to many goodbyes.
Actually, its the same amount of Hellos but thats anouther thing, you just don't think they are that hard at all and you shouldn't. This time it´s gonna be hard. Definitely.
I want to leave, really i do. In one way I'm exited of what Latin America would give me and its my biggest dream but even if you like a place its the peoples thats counts. They are the ones that makes your experience even better which makes you remember the place with a big smile in your face.
Have you tried to go back somewhere ? If you haven't trust me. DON'T ! It's never the same without the peoples you love. Some peoples you just know that you will see again someday but the others you can just believe it in your heart. And those I've met here, please, i really want to see you all again. With all my heart !

I've just realized;
- How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

- xoxo


From Perth all the way up to Monkey Mia and back. 850 km, one way and we didn't take the short way back.. Had my worst night with a storm of millions of mosquitoes, waking up with millions of flies at the sunset. The car was as hot as millions C. Went running in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere, just because. A walk in a storm with our new friends called snakes and flies. Saw wild dolphins, that I feed with dead fishes.. Walking at the biggest street of 50meters in each town, enjoying coffee, sunset, sunrise, dead trees, desert, pinnacles. But most of all your company, my lovely sister Helene.


As non off you know, i made another tattoo. Couldn't tell before I spoke to mom because i knew she will go crazy if I write it here before telling her. Almost a week ago now, just drop in at a place I passed and they'd had time. Made myself three snowflakes on the side at my arm. Helene said it lookes like birdpoo, don't know.. Maybe she has a point but as long as i'm happy with it ! All for now ladies and gentlemen.

- PFP.


Went off on saturday afternoon a bit tired after i big ladies night out in perth. Drove about 45 minutes up north. Ended on a small sandy road that seemed to end up in the middle of nowhere. Deej borrowed his dads 4 wheel drive and I can tell, we needed it. Had brought some food for tonights barbecue a lot of booze and big happy smiles ! We were stuck a couple of times in the sand but finally made it down to the beach. Almost alone, were some shark fishers on the other side of an rock a couple of hundred meters away. Didn't really see them.. Went swimming and picked a lot of seashells for Helenes happyness.. Tried to collect some threes for our fire. After a while me and deej did get a few dead threes that was a lying around.. Success ! Made us a fire, barbecuing and drank booze watching a gorgeous sunset, taking  lot of pictures. And as you all know or at least could guess we had a naked swim after sunset. A thing that comes with the camping I guess.. Fell asleep on a blanket in the sand close to the fire. I had, as always a good sleep. Only woke up once, when Deej did something over my face with his hand full of sand. Woooooops.  Woke up in chock with my head full of sand. Thank you ! :) But easy as I am, I just sat up for a second and fell back to sleep again. ( Wouldn't wake up if there's be bombing in the area. ) Second time the sun was up and the time was around six in the morning. Pack our stuff and took of back home..  Was a short but nice camping trip. Enjoyed it a lot ! Had a nice lunch with Fransouie and Jules ( dont mind the spelling ) and some friends for the Loubster ( * ) family on Sunday afternoon. Laughing throe Sunday evening watching sunny side, a Swedish serie.. You just gotta love it ! ( to bad it's just in Swedish ) Me and Deej planed a picnic on valentines day for Roscoe and Helene. Tried to had it as a secret, we failed.. Made a lot of nice tapas food for them and we drove them to the beach where we already picked a nice spot and organized it all for them. They enjoyed it. Did lay down at our couch back home eating, talking, and enjoying life  waiting for the lovers to get ready.  Forgot to tell that we had Bella with us to. Deej dog that's one of the cutes dogs I've met..  Picked them up and went for some ice-cream at baskin&robins. Yum. Then the to swedish get there asses kicked playing a game named cranium. Hilarious game but we had some trouble with the English.. And yes I know, Im the worst of does games. Think the others noticed :D in future, no one wants to be my team mate.. I don't blame them. At least we had fun and that's what's counts in the end anyway.. Had a cozy night yesterday with Tyson, laying on the floor eating italian take away watching movies.. Im the best Swedish teacher ever, teaching all the words that you shouldn't know.. Right now I'm sitting in the shadows of hillarys boat harbor. Waked here all the way from home. Is about 5 - 6 km and toked me around an hour to get here. Totally wet.. Crazy hot today. I must be out of my mind walking in the sun but felt that I wanted to. Enjoying my music anyway.. ( Angus & Julia stone - Just a boy )  Gonna have a look in all the nice small shops out here before I go back. Hopefully we are going for the Thai restaurant tonight. Having the famous Tom yam soup ! Looking forward to it.. - "The ultimate tragedy is not the brutality of the bad people its the silence of the good people." MARTIN LUTHER KING.

Future.. ?

Did get some tan on Scarborough beach with Ullis and Andreas during a 36 C day and later on i Spend my night at hilarys, One of the north beaches here in Perth. There's a lot of bars, shops, ice cream and coffee places situated so you'll have a good view of the sunset. Went eating with T over some red wine and enjoyed some japanese/Aussie beers at the breakwater bar watching sunset. A really nice bar in the small harbor. I did get told that the place been burnt down four times, and they'll try to make it better and better for every time. Last time they build the breakwater bar. A bit more fancy than the other places around, it's all in glass with huge chandelier ! Cool ! Had a good time, loads to talk about even thou we just met for not more than two hours on a bus in Thailand. Thats why I do love traveling so much, everyone that's out there is social and funny. And I would lie if I say that I have a hard time talking to new people. That's actually what I love at most.. Anyway, sis is working and so is Roscoe and Deej. Ullis is on her way to uni and yes that's it. I'll have to entertain myself today. Wich feels like I haven't done for a while. A did it two days ago, went shopping at Joondalup shopping center. Bigger than I thought. Ended up with new shoes, and a grey singlet. Really have to stop shopping now it wont fit in my backpack when I'm leaving.. ( and Aussie is expensive ). Hm, today I probably going in to Perth. Having a walk in Kingsley park, drinking coffee or something and I definitely gonna bring my book with me. The girl that played with the fire by Stieg Larsson. Just can't stop reading it !! Need to make up mu mind for my future to, want to spend around 9 month in south America if I can't work as a au pair. And I'll been trying to get a 12 month working visa in the USA, which turns out being hard. Hopefully I can get a job as an au pair over there. Need a job after one year traveling without any work.. Canada for 12 month is not that hard to get a working visa for and then I gonna spend a couple of months in alaska. Ending my trip ( I know it's "dream thinking" ) sailing over Atlantic sea to Europe. But I will try doing it. I am stub urn as he'll. Trust me :). The plan is simple, see and do as much as I can.. No plan to get back to sweden for I while. All depends on the availability of work during my trip. Wish me luck ! Okey, that's it I'm off but first I need to listen to Timo Räisänen ~ Outcast, it makes me so damn happy ! - Smile like you mean it.

A hundred miles..

Fremontle was a really nice part of south Perth. Looked a bit "oldish" with small shops and cobbled streets. Unlucky that we did'nt have a lot of time, just a couple of hours. But that much that I know that I have to go back there. Enjoying garlic bread and a nice glass of red wine ! and hopefully a walk around the harbour.
We spend the evening at home, barbequing on our grill that we found on the street a day before. :)
Had a night out in Perth with Ullis, Andreas and my lovely sister. A lot of tasty beers on Belgium beer Cafe and red wines went down..
Woked up early saturday morning of Deej jumping around in my room. Lord I was choked. Took of for our roadtrip down south and made some nice stops down the roads of southern Australia. The views went greener the further down we went on the tortuous roads. Some nice but eventually cold breaks later we arrieved in a small town called Denmark where we spend a night in a hostel close to their only pub, wich closed at twelve.
Took off early in the morning after working our way a bit north-west towards Margret River. Amizing roads in and between the valleys. Went to the tree tops climbing. Where they build up a footbirdge 40 meter up and the tree's were stil tall.. Could be around 75 meter tall and 20 meters in circumference.
Deej and Rosco find an amazing apartment where we stayed over the night in Margret River having wunderful pasta in a restaurant called Curry and ended up in the local pub again. This time it closed at 10. Lucky that we went to the bottle shop before.
Monday morning offered musli with fruit and Chai Latte at DOME's wich I loved, special when I realized that I only paid 2,65 AUS for it. Lucky me ! ( yes, they did count wrong )
Headed to Busselton and had a walk on the 1,8 km long jetty. ( Made us all sunburned' ) Great view's over the coast line of southern Australia.
The way back from Busselton via Perth to Joondalup was painful. Sitting on a motorbike for more than 100 swedish miles started to get a bit painful for my bum. Though that i shouldn't make it but i did, i just had to.
Had a lovely three days with a lot of laughing and good memories.
( Should problably say sorry for the ugly post's i made, BUT my ipad apparently doesn't know how to make some empty rows between the lines. BUT i do love it anyway.. ! )
- Shout out louds - Normandie


Just bought my tickets for the carnival in Rio de Janerio on the 6th and the 7th of march 2011. Just feel like I'm the happiest in the world. Now I just need to wait for the tickets on the 12th. Day of the champions ! :) Exploring Freemontle tomorrow. - Angus & Julia Stone - Paper Aeroplane.

The black pearl.

The black pearl in Australia is Perth like I would see it. It's the capital and an amazing city In the state WA, western Australia, Situated south west on the coast. Australians fourth largest city were around 1.5 million peoples lives but spread out in a large area. Beautiful swan river Is close to the business area of the city center and makes Kingsley park on the other side having a great view over Perth. Specially by night. The city is situated at a very flat and relative sandy area that's makes it very dry. They have there " black man palms ", that I never seen before. Really small palms at the begining with a black stock thats ends up with a lot of palm leafs. A short stop outside Perth up on the hills gives you an amazing view over the land and the city itself. You can see the massive buildings shining in the sunny days, which you get a lot of. They highest recorded temperature is a bit more than 46 C. A lot. In the winters usually between May - September the temperature could get as low as CERO C or even a little bit colder. The area around gives you loads of nice and long beaches where you easily can have a nice barbeque at late evenings. I was actually surprised of the dry area around. Didn't expect that at all. But I think it makes it even more special and interesting compare to the rest of the big country. - Amazing oz.

Perth, western australia.

Sjukt digg att möta min älskade syster igen. Goooood that was a long time ago. Kom hit bakfull och utan att ha sovit något, inte ens en minut men det gick fint. Fick se deras fina hus sen åkte vi på en sex timmars lång motorcykel tur. Jag och D åkte halva tiden på ett hjul, såklart så gillade jag det. Haha. Hade ont i rumpan och armarna dagen efter, behöver ju hålla i som fan. Eller ska jag bara erkänna att jag är otränad ? Shit samma ;)
Vi har åkt på fler turer med hojen. Bör väl egentligen inte säga att vi åkte i 245km/h i jeans och converse men måste bara. Fin tur, thank you D for taking me. Såg massa kängruus också !! Sedan har jag varit på bio med ullis, drukigt öl, varit på stan, fikat och idag har jag BAKAT i sju timmar. Jaa, ni ser rätt SJU timmar. Har väl aödrig hänt men har saknat ett kök så hade list att baka. Gjorde, kanel och kardemumma bullar, matbröd, hallon grottor, kola stänger, choklad snittar, cocos toppar, biskvier, äpple mazariner. Det tog mej sju timmar, är precis klar och klockan är tio. Tog mej även en och en halv timme i butiken att hitta alla grejerna. Inte lätt med engelska ibland men de andra var nöjda med min bakning iallafall. Har fått mitt nylle insmetat i choklad av D och ett glas vin. Tusen tack ! :) Imorgon har jag en beach date med ullis och Anders, ska vara fin fint väder och jag flagar. Dags för strand ! Men först ska jag ha en nattlig date med datorn och kära Lollo. Yesyes. Dags att smaka biskvierna. Curious ! Like you Said D, - that's what she said.

Last night in Bali.

Of course I didnt have any accommodation for my last night. My flight is at seven. Lord. So we went partying for the last hours. I almost get robbed on the street by some childs. They opened my bag really fast and actually toked my case to the camera. Lucky me, I didn't have my camera inside. If I should have, there would be 800 Picts away. Yeah, I know I don't take a lot of Picts but still. The fucking children had a knife, a really good one so they cut my bag but beacause of the real leather it didn't broke straight away. Lucky I do still have my favorite bag, my camera AND my wallet. Good stuff. Right now I'm in the airport o my way to Perth, a bit drunk I bet. Can't walk straight. Sorry mom, but this is not gonna make you proud. Im having fun doe. :D. Did have a great last night with my friends. Camilla, yes it was a hard time to leave you. Hope to see you soon my friend. Miss you all ready. - matisyahu - we will walk.


Wreck dive today wich was amazing. Loved it ! Because of my open water I'm just allowed to a depth of 18 meters. The others was advanced wich is 32. So, that made me go alone with a dive instructor. Could see even more, I thought. The dive was one of the best ones I've done so far. Cool to see an old ship wreck and it was loads of different fishes in different sizes. :) " Just 30 metres from shore lies the broken 120 metre long wreckage of this World War II cargo ship. The Liberty was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine out in the Lombok Strait, 11 January 1942, but was able to limp back to shore. Unable to quite make port, its captain steered the ship onto the beach at Tulamben. Here the boat remained until 1963, when laval flow from Bali's last great volcanic eruption from nearby Mount Gunung Agung pushed the vessel back into the water. The wreck now lies parallel to shore on its side, with its deck facing furthest from shore. " It's the most famous one he in Bali. I thought it could be a bit scary to swim in to the wreck but it wasn't. Really fun dive and great instructors ! Great day with great people. Couldn't have a better time. Enjoying myself to much sometimes I think ! - lots of love to you all.

Oh Loard.

Hade nagra bra dagar i Kuta beach pa bali. Hittade ett bra hotel med pool, eftersom stranden tyvarr inte ar den basta man kan ha. Vadret har varit molnligt ocksa sa det funkade bra. Varit runt om i byn och sa har jag aven mott Henriette och Marta. Kul och se tjejerna igen. Tog oss nagra drinkar pa skygarden sammen. :).

Ville ha lite mindre o och battre strand och hade fatt massa tips om att gili oarna skulle vara super. Bokade en speedboat ut dit, skulle ga pa en timme.
Blev hamtade kl sex pa morgonen, efter en ganska sen kvall for min del ute. Fick aka buss i en timme till hamnen och dar hoppade vi pa var bat med 1125 hastar. Pauli var i sitt esse. Grabbar.. !
Bat-turen ut till gili borjade bra men vagorna blev bara storre och storre. Tyvarr sa blev jag bara samre och samre, och tllslut madde jag riktigt illa. Flera som redan spydde och de som satt uppe pa taket kom ner helt dygsura.
Efter ett tag borjade vi bli oroliga, riktigt oroligt. Tillslut fick alla ta pa sej raddningsvastar och det hade borjat komma in vatten genom fonstrena.
Personalen sag helt forstorda ut och vi fick aven problem med motorn sa det luktade bensin i hela baten. Slutligen sa borjade ena besattningsmannen att be for oss alla att vi skulle klara oss. De varderade vagorna till 6 meter hoga MINST. Tur att vi hade den storsta speedboaten iallafall.

Det varsta blev nar jag baten lag pa sidan och jag sag att hela fonstret var tackt med vatten. Det sprutade in vatten in i baten. Den tippade over pa var sida och jag tankte att nasta vag klarar vi inte. Mirakel, det gjorde vi. Kaptenen bad medans han korde och jag, Pauli och Camilla holl hart i varandra medans jag spydde. FY !
Konstigt att man hinner tanka sa pass mycket under sanna situationer, tankte hur jag skulle fa ut oss tre nar vattnet kom in och att detta var slutet pa allt. Varsta som jag varit med om.

Nar vi val kom fram sa svimmade jag nastan, de andra fick bara mej och halla i mej tills jag madde battre. Inte kul. Jag som hatar nar andra tar hand om mej. Men vi overlevde och det var huvudsaken.
Senare under dagen fick vi hora att TRE stycken batar hade gatt runt och att hamnen i Kuta var avstangd och det kryllade av poliser. Gladjer mej inte till att aka tillbaka igen..

Blev stranden igar coh en cyckeltur runt on. Idag har vi varit ute och snorklat pa tre olika stallen runt gili oarna. Sag vackra koraller, skoldpaddor och fiskar. Digg.

- Enjoy.

Singapore sling raffels.

Singapore var helt fantastiskt, gillade det verkligen. Staden är nog inte så stor som man tror men ändå. Min första och ända kväll så hittade jag ingen att umgås med på mitt hostel, to bad. Gick till en pub ganska nära och mötte en trevlig snubbe från Singapore. Blev sittande där med drinkar och öl hela kvällen. Trevligt, mycket ! Dagen efter gick jag river Walker och bara chillade. Gick runt och såg staden, inte en chans att man tror att den tillhör Asien. Allt är så himla modernt och rent etc. Blev positivt överraskad. ska definitivt åka tillbaka dit. Kan faktiskt vara en stad som jag kan tänka mej att bo i en stund. gick ju även självklart och drack den berömda drinken Singapore sling raffels på raffels hotel där den blev "uppfunnen". Den får absolut fem av fem glasyrer från min sida. flyget till bali gick fint, träffade en kille härifrån som jag snackade massa med. Det roliga var att han var sjukt flyg rädd, det var lite turbulent så fick hålla honom lite i handen. Haha.. Kom fram till kuta sent, alla hostel verkade vara fulla suck. Hittade årets och mitt livs skabbigaste ställe ett bo på. Tog en natt och traskade sedan runt för att hitta bättre. Det gjorde jag. Väntar på Camilla och Pauli som ska komma snart snart. Time to Explorer Bali ! - for the good Times'.

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